Archives For Tuesday, November 30, 1999

Miles from Glory

Vance McCullough —  Saturday, January 5, 2013 — 1 Comment

Why Les Miles is beloved, but needs to watch the clock!

The Hat, Les Miles, LSU’s head coach got some deserved love for his personality. As Tyler Raborn referred to in an earlier post – there is some part of us all that loves Les. Who doesn’t love this man’s enthusiasm for the game of college football? But, we are all flawed in some way, and Les has been known to let time slip by him at the most crucial of moments.

Miles’ record as the headman at LSU is an impressive 75-18, with 2 SEC Championships and a BCS National Title. I am not here to say the man can’t coach because he’s won 9 or more games every season he’s been at LSU.

Knowing the personality of Les Miles, he’s got to be a Rolling Stones fan. You know he cranks up “Doom and Gloom,” and when he puts on “Start Me Up” his speakers go to all the way up to 11, but he’s also familiar with the ballad “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.”

We are here to put aside the playfulness of a heralded SEC coach and focus on the late game lapses – the time Les wishes he had back.

The Good

This one has a good ending – but is it still considered crazy even if it works?

Flynnstant Success

Matt Flynn to Demetrius Byrd down 23-24 with :09 left (8:06 on the video)

Les Miles tine grandees bolas. This man has no fear in Tiger Stadium. The Flynn to Byrd for the win was the call, and they executed.

The Bad

The Dooley Doozie

The day the number 13 was lucky. The day UT screwed up worse than LSU.

13 Volunteers on the field equaled an additional LSU play and victory in Tiger Stadium in 2010.

Chick Fil A Bowl Blunder

LSU takes a 24-13 lead into the fourth quarter and lets this one get away from them. Two possessions in the 4th quarter, 2nd down and 2 to go and consecutive pass plays, and you run the ball only once in the 4th? A video is not necessary – the previous sentence said it all.

The Ugly

Ole Missed Opportunity

This one hurts. It was a rivalry game with a mismanaged ending by Miles. It is as the Youtuber named the vid “Les Miles Epic Fail.”

Les had another good year, another 10 wins, but ended the year on a tough loss. The coach will regroup, get ready for next season, and his top song going into the 2013 season will be another Stones classic, “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction!”


By: Vance McCullough

Why We Love Les Miles

Tyler Raborn —  Thursday, January 3, 2013 — Leave a comment

Yes, it’s true that the Mad Hatter has his flaws (See: Chick-fil-A Bowl). But, his lack of time management skills is easily overcome by some of his stronger traits:

His Clarification Abilities…

His Dedication to the Team, Literally… and Virtually…

His Physical and Mental Health Awareness…

And of Course, His Fashion Sense…